Join Us

We are here as women recognizing the extreme value of womankind to our community and world.

Our Club IS its members. It is a Home, a Resource, and a Source of strong support for the hard-working women who extend themselves on behalf of others.


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Why Become A Member?

There are many reasons why our members join. The experiences and family-like relationships built during our activities and events are essential in so many ways. Join us at our next event – we can assure you’ll feel right at home.

Be A Part of Our Values, Our Mission, Our Club.

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By Selecting A Membership Below

Wondering How to Get Involved?

This club has a plethora of on-going activities, there is always something that will spark your interest. Below are committees we are always adding projects to.

Encourage Civic Involvement 

Involvement in public issues. Projects and activities relating to civic and social responsibility with focus on citizenship, military personnel, and crime prevention.

Promote Healthy Lifestyles

Implementing projects that promote a healthy lifestyle, educate for disease prevention, and promotion of personal development to create a better quality of life and health for all citizens.

Support The Arts

Inspiring Club Women to promote and support art activities in all committees, while also contributing to art education. 

Preserve Natural Resources 

Conservation. Preserving and maintaining our natural resources while stressing the importance of beautifying our communities. 

Advance Education

Improving others through higher education. We address this by offering scholarships and assisting in courses related to literacy in both local and global communities. 

World Peace & Understanding 

Our actions together can create an impact that works towards, and generates world peace and understanding.

Easily Join Now

Fill out the form below for new general memberships.